Grace Greater Than Our Sin

A quirky story caught my attention as I listened to the news. John Hinckley Jr., the man who tried to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, has begun posting love songs on YouTube. The songs are amateurish, but they’re a big improvement over attempting an assassination. 

Then the anchor said something that struck me to the core, something to the effect of, “He can’t (more…)

Seven Things You May Not Know about God

First, I have to apologize for my brief hiatus. My full-time gig as a writer keeps me pretty busy. By the end of a normal day, I often have few words left to speak, let alone write. Add the upcoming wedding of a son to the mix, and you have one thinly stretched woman. Unfortunately, all this stretching has not added an (more…)

Don’t Lose Your Muchness

From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.—Luke 12:48

The late Robert Kennedy of the famed and privileged Kennedy clan often quoted that verse to his family. Given much, they demanded much of themselves. The family viewed public service as its way of giving back.

People (more…)