Mockers and Brawlers

“I haven’t seen you before,” I said to the young women ringing up my groceries the other day. (I make it a point to build relationships with people wherever I go.)

“I usually work at the liquor store next door,” she said.

“That explains it,” I replied. “I don’t drink.”

“I don’t drink either, and I work at a liquor store!” she laughed.

I then (more…)

Five Simple Steps to Winning in 2014

The advent of January generally puts new wind under our sails. We wipe the sweat off our brow from the travails of the previous year, and we set high hopes for the new year. This is evidenced by the annual establishment of resolutions, many of which we simply pull out of storage and dust off. They are familiar faces, halfway between (more…)

Little Insignificant Me

I come to you today, friends, with a very simple message: Enough with your excuses for failing to serve God. 

We’re not good enough. We’re not smart enough. We’re not educated enough. We’re not talented enough. We’re not old enough. We’re not young enough. We’re not rich enough. We’re not healthy enough. We’re not strong enough. We’re not free enough. We’re not (more…)

God Forbid – But God Permits

As a writer, I study people. I study the way they look and move and think and talk. (Yes, your quirk of pacing while you talk on the phone could show up in one of my characters.) And I only recently noticed a common behavior associated with the popular idiomatic expression “God forbid.”
I always hear that term when people broach the (more…)