Why Good Things Happen to Bad People

For many of us, life doesn’t seem fair. Godly people are unable to conceive, or they lose their beloved children. We see the righteous die young. They experience hardship and devastation. But it becomes more difficult to process how bad things happen to good people as we see good things happening to bad people. How? Why?

You are always righteous, Lord, when (more…)

I’m a Lawbreaker

For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.—James 2:10

One New Year’s Eve, my friends had invited me to a celebration on the opposite end of town. I decided to stay overnight at that end of town to avoid all the drunk drivers. The next morning, I drove back home (more…)

Filtering Your Thoughts

I sat on a bench next to our lake as I prayed this morning and admired the beautiful day, the kind that helps me endure our brutal summers. Water lilies flapped lightly against the water in the cool breeze; ospreys glided overhead. And then I found myself fixing on one ominous pinkish-gray cloud that alternately coalesced and fragmented against the otherwise serene (more…)