Giving Hope to the Homeless

If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. – Deuteronomy (more…)

So What Do We Do Now?

My fellow Christ-followers, let’s have a family chat.

Our nation has been so caught up in double whammy from the Supreme Court that the news of terror attacks on three continents has gone almost without mention. Perhaps we can only absorb so much bad news at a time. Maybe we’ve even exceeded our saturation point.

So if I’m to address what Christians are (more…)

Our Costly Silence

Without revelation people run wild, but one who listens to instruction will be happy.  – Proverbs 29:18

Our church is engaging in weekly Scripture memory. Most of the verses are familiar to me, but I post them on our bathroom mirror each week regardless as a reminder of a biblical truth upon which all of us are supposed to reflect.

As I was (more…)


But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these other things shall be added unto you as well. – Matthew 6:33

Yesterday was National Lost Day. Of course it was. Because the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 made as much sense to me as the nonsensical directions I was getting from my maps app.

(Note: If you’re not (more…)

Christian and Unashamed

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. – Romans 1:16

My name is Cheri, and I’m a Bible-believing Christian.

This is how I’d like to introduce myself, because if you were to know just one thing about me (besides my (more…)