I Love Me, I Love Me Not

I vacillate through life regarding myself alternately with loathing and pride. It’s a see-saw of self-deprecation and self-adoration: I love me, I love me not.

Ugliness spews forth from my mouth like fire from a dragon, and I mentally flagellate myself like some kind of ancient monk. I write something I’m particularly proud of, and I’m a modern-day Steinbeck. I regard the (more…)

Work Is Not a Four-Letter Word

I have a reputation for working hard. My clients know it, my friends know it, and my family certainly knows it. Raised in a low-frills environment, I was taught that if I wanted something, I worked for it. Growing our own vegetables, hunting, fishing and working multiple jobs were all part of day-to-day life. 
I took that work ethic with me as (more…)