Your Ambassador Status

We are, therefore, Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.—2 Corinthians 5:20

If you have placed your faith in Christ, you are more than His child: You’re His ambassador. But did you ever stop to think about what it means to be an ambassador? The role comes with (more…)

New Normals

Last spring my oldest son got engaged. A shower would be held at my house, which necessitated finally repairing my unsightly kitchen ceiling. Then a reception hall proved unavailable, making my house the venue of choice. That, of course, necessitated more home renovations. In between, there was a second shower, wedding plans, another family wedding, Thanksgiving, then THE wedding (the week (more…)

Right Where I Want You

Sometimes I wish I could look upon all your faces because, honestly, the life of a writer can be demanding and isolating – in a word, lonely. I stare endlessly at a computer screen and piles upon piles of printed notes. The occasional face-to-face meeting is such a welcome change that I inevitably dress up, even if those I’m meeting are (more…)