Don’t Lose Your Muchness

From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.—Luke 12:48

The late Robert Kennedy of the famed and privileged Kennedy clan often quoted that verse to his family. Given much, they demanded much of themselves. The family viewed public service as its way of giving back.

People (more…)

Of falling birds, belly-up fish and other freaky happenings: How God gets our attention

Let me begin by saying that, yes, I do remember that I promised to talk about what God has brought me through. I am a woman of my word. We’ll get there. But first let’s talk about the headlines.

Seriously, now, who is totally freaked out by all the reports of birds falling dead from the sky by the thousands, of teems (more…)