How We Lost the Culture War

This is a message exclusively directed at my fellow Christ-followers. If you’re not quite there yet, just look over to the right-hand column where it says “How You Can Know Jesus,” and tune back in next time.

Now for those of you who remain, let’s have a family chat.

As long as I can remember, Christians have been fighting what they have thought (more…)

Lies We Subscribe To

Every year, an old friend sends me subscriptions to women’s magazines based upon my casual reading preferences from 30 years ago. I go through the magazines, tearing out recipes and making notes of household tips. However, over the years, one particular magazine – aside from the recipes and household tips – has become a mouthpiece for the Modern Woman, represented by (more…)

He Said ‘Go,’ So I Went

Sunday afternoon I returned from Anchorage after about 18 hours of travel. When I put on my sneakers yesterday, Alaska had left an imprint on their soles. It also left an imprint on my soul.

I went because Jesus said “go.” I could have said “no”: No, I’m seriously asthmatic. No, I have celiac disease. No, I’m self-employed. But as you know (more…)

You Smell Like Death

For nearly 13 years, we lived in a subdivision on a 50-by-100-foot lot. When you can reach out your kitchen window and shake hands with the person having coffee next door, you really want to get along with your neighbors.

And for a long time – despite the suffocating proximity – we did. Come evenings, weekends and summertimes, the front yards all (more…)

Clearing the Path of Stumbling Blocks

I am night blind. Years ago, I took my dog for a long walk right around dusk. It was summer, and I live in Florida, so I wore the standard-issue sleeveless top and shorts. Each of these points is important, people, because of what happened next.

Before I even realized what was happening, my foot caught in a bike ramp made of fresh (more…)